Seven Miles with Jesus

Sermon by J. Ligon Duncan on January 8, 2012 Luke 24:13-27

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The Lord’s Day Morning

“Seven Miles with Jesus”

Luke 24:13-27

January 8, 2012

The Reverend Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III

If you have your Bibles, I’d invite you to turn with me to Luke chapter 24.
We’ll begin today in the thirteenth verse.
The story of the disciples walking to their homes in Emmaus is one of the
great resurrection stories. Of the
eleven resurrection stories, none is greater than this one.
Luke alone recounts this story.
We learn it from the good doctor as he tells us about these disciples who
were almost inconsolable in their grief after the crucifixion and death and
burial of Jesus Christ. And as
they’re walking slowly on their way to the hometown of Emmaus, they are met by
the risen Savior on that first Lord’s Day.
And what infuses is one of the great conversations ever had in the
history of the world. It’s filled
with encouragement. We’ll only read
part of it today; we’ll come back again next Lord’s Day and consider it again
from another angle, but there’s something I want us to see in this passage which
actually follows on a message that we started to look at last week.

If you’ll remember, last week, looking at verses 1 to 12, when the angels
encountered the women who had come to the tomb to complete the preparation of
Jesus’ body for burial that had not been able to be done, so close they were to
the Sabbath on that Friday afternoon, the angels said to them, “Remember what He
said,” in verse 6. And in just a
couple of verses later, we’re told that, verse 8, “The women remembered His
words.” And we talked about how Luke
was emphasizing the centrality of the words of Christ for His disciples.
It’s central to their faith.
Well, in the passage we’re going to study today, Jesus elaborates on that very
point. So we’re going to read verses
13 to 27 and I want you to be on the lookout for that great scene and message.
Let’s pray before we read God’s Word.

Heavenly Father, this is Your Word and we ask that You would open our eyes by
the Spirit to see what You have in store for our apprehension of Your glory and
for the increase of our faith and for our growth in grace.
Use the reading of Your Word and the preaching of Your Word as a means of
grace to our hearts. Make us to
believe, as we ought to believe, and to be, as we ought to be.
In Jesus’ name, amen.

This is God’s Word. Hear it:

“That very day two of
them were going to a village named Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem, and
they were talking with each other about all these things that had happened.
While they were talking and discussing together, Jesus Himself drew near
and went with them. But their eyes were kept from recognizing Him.
And He said to them, ‘What is this conversation that you are holding with
each other as you walk?’ And they
stood still, looking sad. Then one
of them, named Cleopas, answered Him, ‘Are You the only visitor to Jerusalem who
does not know the things that have happened there in these days?” And He said to
them, ‘What things?’ And they said
to Him, ‘Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, a Man who was a prophet mighty in deed
and word before God and all the people, and how our chief priests and rulers
delivered Him up to be condemned to death, and crucified Him.
But we had hoped that He was the one to redeem Israel.
Yes, and besides all this, it is now the third day since these things
happened. Moreover, some women of
our company amazed us. They were at
the tomb early in the morning, and when they did not find His body, they came
back saying that they had even seen a vision of angels, who said that He was
alive. Some of those who were with
us went to the tomb and found it just as the women had said, but Him they did
not see.’ And He said to them, ‘O
foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken!
Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter
into His glory?’ And beginning with
Moses and all the Prophets, He interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the
things concerning Himself.”

Amen, and thus ends this reading of God’s holy, inspired, and inerrant Word.
May He write its eternal truth upon all our hearts.

It’s an extraordinary scene, isn’t it?
Can you imagine walking along talking with a dear friend about the Lord
Jesus Christ one day and Jesus Himself joined in on the conversation?
It’s really extraordinary.
These men, like the women, love the Lord Jesus Christ.
These men not only knew much about the events that occurred in the last
day, they had thought about them from a spiritual perspective.
These men clearly understood much of the teaching of Jesus Christ and
it’s very clear that these are real disciples.
They love Jesus; they trust Him, but like those women who went to the
tomb in love to complete the preparation of Jesus’ body, so also these men, as
much as they love Jesus and as much as they trust Him, they don’t trust Him
enough and they don’t believe His Word enough.
I mean, even as you read their description to Jesus, who they don’t
recognize as Jesus, of the events, you’re thinking, “Come on!
Come on! Next step — one more
link! You’re almost there!
It is the third day and that means?!
And the women don’t find His body there and that means?!”
But it doesn’t come.


In fact, when Jesus asks them about their conversation, Luke conveys to you, and
you get the feeling, not only in that verse but take a look at the way Luke says
it at the end of verse 17, you get the feeling throughout the opening verses of
the passage that a deep sadness pervades this passage to this point.
And when Jesus said, “What’s this conversation all about?” you can almost
feel that they’re walking along and suddenly dead stop, long pause, deep
sadness. Luke tells you, “They stood
still, looking sad.” And the reason
they looked sad is they were sad.
They were almost inconsolably sad.
They were disconsolate. And then
they begin to describe all of the things that had happened.
But the reason that they are almost inconsolably sad, the reason that
they are disconsolate is because they had failed to believe the Word of God.
Just like the women on their way to the tomb, went to the tomb in love
and faith, but not in enough faith to believe that Jesus wasn’t going to be
there as He said. So also these
disciples believed in Jesus but they failed to believe what the Word of God said
about Him.

That is so clear from the passage.
After they describe all the things that have happened in Jerusalem, what is the
first thing Jesus says to them? Look
at verse 25 and 26. “O foolish ones,
and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken!
Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter
into His glory?” So Jesus makes it
clear that their failure is two-fold.
They have failed to believe the Word of God.
All that the prophets — Jesus has been His disciples what the prophets
said about Him. He had been teaching
His disciples about His crucifixion and about His resurrection, but it’s very
clear from all of this that they still haven’t fully gotten it; they still
haven’t adequately comprehended it.
And so isn’t it interesting that in this passage Jesus does not come alongside
them and suddenly open their eyes immediately to see that He is Jesus.
No, we’re told, we’re not told what the agency was, what the means was,
but we’re told in verse 16 that “their eyes were kept from recognizing Him.”
It’s Jesus walking with them, but for whatever reason, through whatever
means, they did not realize it was Jesus.
And this is actually crucial to the whole story.
It was crucial in God’s plan an in Jesus’ design that they not recognize
who it was that was talking to them so that He could take them where?
To the Book.

Isn’t it interesting — even the reports of the women from the tomb about the
angels and the absence of Jesus’ body has not served to flip the light switch on
for the disciples. But in this
story, when Jesus takes them to the Book, then and only then do they get it.
Why? Because the source of
their disconsolation, the source of their sadness, the source of their almost
inconsolable grief was their failing to believe the Word of God.
And thus, the remedy, the remedy for that was the truth of the Word of
God and its testimony to Jesus worked deep down into their hearts and bones.
The source of their sadness and lack of comfort and hopelessness was
their failure to believe what Jesus had been teaching them the Word of God said
about Him. So the remedy to that was
for them to see all that had occurred in light of the truth of the Word of God
and to believe that Word of God to be true.
The only thing that was going to heal them was to come to a full embrace
of the truth of the Word of God about Jesus and that is exactly where He takes
them. And it is only after He has
done that, after that glorious Bible study as He opens up, as it were, with
Genesis and He says, “Let me just take you through Genesis all the way to
Chronicles,” that’s the way the Hebrew Bible was organized, “Let me just take
you all the way from beginning to end of your Hebrew Bible and I’m going to show
you the Christ — suffering and raised, crucified and exalted, humiliated,
exalted.” And it’s only at the end
of that long Bible study that their eyes are opened.


Why? The whole design of Jesus here
is to draw their attention to, to restore their understanding of and confidence
in the Word of God because that is essential to faith and hope and to joy.
Isn’t it interesting that we just read, Josh just read from 1 John 1 this
morning, what? That John had written
what he had written, why? “That your
joy may be complete.” Their lack of
joy was because they did not understand the Word of God and Jesus was determined
that their joy would be restored.
For it to be restored, where did He have to take them?
To the Word of God; and He explained it to them again so that their joy
may be complete. And by the way,
anybody ever tell you that doctrine is boring and no fun, people that say that
are killjoys because the doctrine of the Word of God is for you joy.
And anybody who’s against doctrine is against joy.
All that doctrine in there, it’s all for your joy.
Anybody steal once piece of that doctrine from you, they’re robbing you
of joy because God gave that truth to you for joy.
And that’s what Jesus is doing.
He’s taking them right back to the Word of God and He’s showing them the
truth about Himself in the Scriptures so that their attention is given to it and
their faith is restored and their confidence is put in what the Word says and in
the truth of that Word about the Christ and their joy is restored.

That’s so important for us to remember today, my friends, because if you are
lacking joy in the Christian life today — I don’t belittle any circumstance that
you may be in; you may be in very hard circumstances — but if you are lacking
joy I can assure you of this. That
lack of joy is rooted in not believing the Word of God about Christ.
And what Jesus wants us to do is to go back to that Word and to attend to
that Word and have confidence in that Word and understand that Word and
understand what that Word says about Christ and believe and have joy that is
complete. And if you’re an
unbeliever today, no joy you have apart from this truth will last and no joy
that you have apart from this truth will be real joy.
The only real joy there is, the only lasting joy that there is comes from
knowing the Christ who is spoken of in this Word.

So as believers today, come to the Lord’s Table.
If you are in a fight for joy and you are losing, victory begins when you
go back to the Word again and you believe it.
And if you’re an unbeliever today, here, and we’re glad that you’re here
in our midst, you will have none of the joy that Jesus comes to offer until you
surrender the faux joy that you are pursuing or basking in and you repent of
your sins and you put your faith in the only one that can give you real joy, the
one spoken about in the Word, the one who was walking with these men on the road
to Emmaus, the one who took them to the Book.

Let’s pray.

Heavenly Father, bless us now as we come to the Table, to see Christ, to commune
with Him, by the Spirit to have our hearts lifted up to heaven and feed on Him
by faith and have our hope strengthened and our confidence returned and our joy
made full. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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