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Possessing the Promised Land

Joshua 13-21
Marching as to War: “Possessing the Promised Land

the Lord gave Israel all the land which He had sworn to give to their fathers
and they possessed it and lived in it. And
the Lord gave them rest from every side according to all that He had sworn to
their fathers, and no one of all their enemies stood before them.
The Lord gave all their enemies into their hand.
Not one of the good promises that the Lord had made to the house of
Israel failed. All came to pass.”


you may be wondering, what in the world we could to find in these chapters to
preach on. Well, of course,
there’s a beautiful text here, right at the end, which forms, in many ways, a
summary. But before we get to that,
details are important, you understand that.
When you’re interested in something, details are important.
When you’re a Christian, and you love your bible, details are
important. And God is a God of

section, chapters 13-21, brings us to a new section. Chapters 1-4 deal with the entrance into the Promised Land,
then 5-12 with the conquering of the Promised Land.
Now, the possessing of the Promised Land, and later the responsibilities
of a covenant people. And I want to look at these chapters, using the verses at
the end of chapter 21, for in many ways, these verses form a theological summary
of the entire book of Joshua.

the fact that I am skimming over 9 chapters does not mean that any part of
Scripture is unimportant. God
breathed out every chapter of Scripture. We
believe in the plenary inspiration of Scripture.
We believe that every word, every jot, every title, is given by
inspiration of god and it’s often in the details that the quality of God’s
inspiration can be seen.

we can summarize the message of these 9 chapters in three different words: God
gave His people land, God gave His people victory, and God gave His people rest.

1. The LORD gave them
land (v.43).

In chapters 13 and into 14, we are told how God gave them
land east and west of Jordan. The there follows a detailed account of how the
various tribes and families were to settle in that land. Now here is a question:
This is the inspired word of God and it takes 9 chapters to give us this
detailed account of tribal apportionment in the land of Canaan, which is really
just a geography lesson. It gives all this space as to who should live where,
twice as much as the letters to Ephesians and Colossians combined. Why? Why so
important that we should have this detail?
For a simple reason: to underline that God keeps His promises down to
the last detail

you believe that? That God is
concerned about details. That’s what this is meant to teach us. There isn’t one aspect of the promise of God that will ever
fail. God is a “detail person.”
God is concerned about the hairs on your head.
Oh what a joy that is to some of us, that God is concerned to number the
hairs on your head. Isn’t that
marvelous? The God of the universe
is so concerned about little details. And
if He’s concerned about the little details of geography, He’s concerned
about the little cares that keep you awake at night.
The little details that cause you husbands and wives to quarrel.
And God is concerned about them.

like someone who comes to fix your computer: he says to you, “I’ve fixed it.
All of the programs aren’t working properly, but at least you will be
able use one or two of them. You
can’t print anything yet, but I’ve fixed the main problem!” That’s not
good enough! You want the whole thing to work.

some of the details are fascinating: There is no inheritance of land for the
tribe of Levi, and the reason is because “the LORD was their inheritance.”
He was giving the tribes land to live in, except for one, and that one tribe was
to stand as a message to them: that their ultimate inheritance was not to be
found in the land but in the Lord. It
was like one giant object lesson.

in chapters 14 and 19, while the Levites were not given a special inheritance,
both Joshua and Caleb were each given a special inheritance, an allotment of
land. God singles out these two men, these were two men who had gone into the
land earlier, 40 years before, and had come back to Moses and said, “Let’s
go and enter it by faith because He’s told us to enter the land” and do you
remember that the people were so enraged that the people would have stoned them
to death. And now we have this illustration of how God keeps rewards the faith
of Caleb and Joshua. He keeps His
promises in detail and in a way that He vindicates the obedience and trust of
his servants.

we find ourselves in difficult situations and God is not rewarding us in any
way, we may think that God has forgotten His promise. And here is the story of Joshua and Caleb, and God remembers
them. They have a special piece of
land that they would call their own.

wonder what promises you are claiming for yourself. Promises that you have begun to think that God has forgotten
all about. Maybe it’s about your
children, and you’ve brought them to be baptized in the name of the Father,
and the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. And
now, you’re beginning to doubt the truth and the validity and the power and
the promise that God makes to us and to our children also.
And here is God remembering to keep His promises as He apportions out the
land to the people of God. God gave
them land.

don’t know what promises you may be claiming for yourself and they may have
been a long time in coming. 40 years perhaps!
And there has been many a battle in between. Then rest your soul in these
chapters that God keeps them. Here
is the evidence of it.

2. He Gave Them
Victory (v.44b)

gave them victory. Not one of their
enemies stood before them. The Lord handed all their enemies over to them. In
the victory, first of all, that God gave them over Jericho, and then Ai.
Thirty-one kings in chapter 12 are mentioned as trophies of God’s power!
How did this take place? The answer is: God gives the victory.
Yes, but God gives the victory in rather different ways.
There are occasions when God gives the victory with miraculous power and
ease (Jericho), in a way that cost the least amount of effort on the part of the
people of God.

think I can draw this conclusion. It
is characteristic of our heavenly Father to give us easy victories at the
beginning of our Christian pilgrimage to encourage us and so that we may catch a
glimpse of His glorious power, but He then wishes so to engage us that future
victories will call upon us to labor with might and main.

often hear of conversion stories of people who are rescued from addictions, who,
in the first flush of their new found relationship with Jesus Christ find those
victories coming to them with great ease, only later to discover that just below
the surface there are stubborn sins that still lurk within their heart,
requiring great effort and great perseverance in order to overcome.

why you will notice in the course of these chapters, and let me encourage you to
go and read these chapters, and discover for yourselves those occasions in these
chapters when God singles out the less than full obedience of the people of God
to the charge of occupying the land of Canaan.

example, in 15:63, the Jebusites of
Jerusalem, not completely driven out of Israel, were to be a thorn in the side
of Israel for many years to come. Or
in 16, at the end, the Canaanites (Ephraimites) and most striking, in 17:17-18,
when the descendants of Joseph come to Joshua and say that the allotment
wasn’t big enough. And Joshua
says, go and take the hill country for yourselves. Do you see what he is saying?
“If you want more, you will need to take hold of the sloth that has
gripped you and work for it. And you will need to take it by God’s power for
yourself. Its not 90% of God’s
power and 10% of ours. It is all of God’s power and all of our power.
As Paul writes to the Philippians and he says to them, “Work out your
own salvation with fear and with trembling, for it is God who works in you, both
to will and to do of His good pleasure.”
The power of God working is not an excuse for you not to work but an
exhortation to roll up yourselves.

the Israelites failed here, failed to drive out all the enemies, because they
allowed pockets of resistance to remain and grow, and in certain instances to flourish, the consequences were
to remain with them for a very long time, returning like a bad dream to haunt

I thought of these consequences, I was reminded of a poem by John Bunyan,
“Sin, rather than twill out of action be, will pray to stay but for a
while with thee; one night, one hour, one moment will it cry, embrace me in thy
bosom else I die. Time to repent, saith it, I will allow, and help is to
repent, thou knowest not how. But if you give it entrance at the door, it will
come in and may go out no more.” I
think that this is the very principle that’s operating in these chapters.
The failure on the part of the people of God to render complete and full
obedience to the command of God with respect of the occupation of the land led
to consequences that were to dog the people of God for centuries afterwards.

people, let me say something to you. Do not assume that the sins against which
you battle now will be easier to deal with when you are older. And do not put
off the mortifying of those sins now in the hope and expectation that in the
future it will be easier for you to do. Because
the reality, young people, is that if you allow those sins to grow and take root
now, they may dog you for the rest of your Christian life. That’s why I get
deeply concerned when I hear testimonies of our young people going off the
college and having their three or four years of fling and party at college, as
though it were a small thing, as though it were a thing that every other
Christian did. My Christian young
person tonight, if you are serious about wanting to be Christ like, do not, do
not put off the mortifying of that sin, for some time in the future when
you’ve had your party and fling, because you may find that that sin will so
take root in your life that you may never be able to deal with it.

there’s a third thing in this passage. God
not only gave them land and victory, but God gave them rest, verse 44.

3. God gave them rest (v.44a)
Rest in two different senses.
Rest from an external enemy, but also internally. Look at chapter 20. Not
only rest from external enemies, but internal rest: salvation for those who
needed it.

chapter 20 is a description of what is called the city of refuge. When one was
suspected of some crime, or unintentionally killed someone.
Maybe you were chopping wood and as the book of Deuteronomy envisages it,
the axe head comes flying off and hits someone and kills them.
It was unintentional, not premeditated, there was no hatred in the
person’s heart before the event. Well,
part of the law of Israel allowed a family member to avenge, on behalf of their
family members, in the case of the death of one of their kinsmen.
Avenge even to the point of death. In
the case of unintentional death, a person could run to one of the cities of
refuge, and they were strategically placed in various parts of the land. And he
stayed in that city until the death of the high priest.

have debated what that means for centuries. The death of the High Priest was
regarded in some sense as an atonement for the crime, the blood that had been
shed. And whenever the death of the High Priest was announced, the gates of
these cities were opened and out would come these people who would be free

I suspect in this period of history they did not understand all of what this was
intended to convey.. All they knew
is that there is forgiveness for the deepest sins

its not until we turn to the pages of the New Testament that we see
Joshua-Jesus, from which we can hide from the consequences of our past sins and
actions, and find in Him an open door which leads to life and liberty. He is the
High Priest who had died. And it is
through the atoning blood of our great high Priest that we find rest and refuge.

it Jesus who says, “Come unto Me all ye that are weary and heavy laden, and I
will give you rest.” Some of you
here tonight are restless spirits. You
have little peace and little joy in your life.
You are troubled by nightmares, and past sins, and the consequences of
past sins. Maybe that’s where you
are tonight. You come into this
building this evening, and past sins constantly condemn you. And Jesus is saying, “I am the city of refuge.
I am the One to whom you must run. I
am the One to whom you must flee. I
am the One in whom you will find safety and security and promise an life and
forgiveness and peace.”

firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, is laid for your faith in His
excellent word. What more can He say than to you He hath said, you who unto
Jesus for refuge have fled.

firm a foundation ye saints of the Lord
Is laid for your faith in his excellent Word
What more can he say that to you hath said
You who unto Jesus for refuge have fled

you have not run unto Jesus for refuge, then run to Him tonight.
Run inside that city and hear those doors shut behind you, and find that
security within His loving arms.

pray together.