The Lord’s Supper

We believe that the Lord’s Supper is a sacrament (that is, a covenant sign) appointed by God as a means of grace. In it, we feed on Christ, by faith.

At First Presbyterian Church, we follow the old Southern Presbyterian practice of celebrating the Lord’s Supper (what some churches call “Holy Communion”) four times a year (since there is no unambiguous testimony or direction in the Scripture as to the frequency of the observance of communion). 

You may be interested to know that the members and descendants of one family have been preparing the elements for the service for a century and a half now. The Ruling Elders of our church assist in the distribution of the elements of the Supper as a visible manifestation of their pastoral care of the flock.

Who is Invited to the Lord’s Table?
The Lord’s table is for those, and those only, who are trusting in Jesus Christ. So we invite to this table, the Lord’s table, all those who trust in Jesus Christ alone for their salvation as He is offered in the Gospel and who have joined themselves to the body of Christ, His Church. If you are not a believer in Christ who has identified yourself with His church, don’t come to the table. Rather, wait, think, pray, repent, and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Infants and Young Children
Parents will want to take note that we do not practice paedo-communion (infants or young children who have not yet taken membership vows partaking of the Lord’s Supper) at First Presbyterian Church. Young people who have answered the five questions of church membership and thus have become communing members of First Presbyterian Church (or the equivalent at some other gospel-believing church) are invited to the table.

Communion is usually celebrated once a quarter, on the second Sunday of January, April, July, and October.
