Hymns of the Faith: Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise

Sermon by Bill Wymond, Derek Thomas, J. Ligon Duncan on February 1, 2009

Hymns of the Faith

“Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise”

A Presentation of First Presbyterian Church

Ligon Duncan, Dr. Derek Thomas, Dr. Bill Wymond

Dr. Wymond:

Good morning! This is “Hymns of
the Faith,” brought to you by Jackson’s
First Presbyterian Church. The minister of the First Presbyterian Church is Dr.
Ligon Duncan. Stay tuned for “Hymns
of the Faith.” And now here with
“Hymns of the Faith” is Dr. Ligon Duncan

Dr. Duncan:
Thank you, Bill Wymond. Good
morning to you all and good morning to you, Derek.
It’s great to be with you on “Hymns of the Faith” this morning.

Dr. Thomas:
Thank you, Ligon. It’s good
to be with you too.

Dr. Duncan:
We’ve been chatting a little bit off the air this morning about the first
hymn that we’re going to take a look at which is, “Hail the Day That Sees Him
Rise.” It’s a wonderful Charles
Wesley text, written in the early 1700s, in the early 18th century,
and it’s unique in that it’s an ascension hymn.
Whereas there are lots of Christmas hymns, incarnation hymns, and there’s
lots of resurrection hymns, Easter hymns, there’re not many ascension hymns.
And so I want to pick Derek’s brain about that because the ascension has
been a special study of yours for many years.
You wrote a book on the doctrine of the ascension called,
Taken Up To Heaven.
Is that the name of the book?
Am I getting it right?

Dr. Thomas:
That’s correct. I’m

Dr. Duncan:
And so I want to talk with Derek about that today and I also want to give
some attention to this wonderful tune and text.
Bill, we were saying there’s not a whole lot of information about Robert
Williams who wrote this tune, but what we know we’ll talk about today, but maybe
there’re some folks who don’t immediately know what tune we’re talking about
when we say — how do you say it, Derek?

Dr. Thomas:

Dr. Duncan:
See, I’d say Llanfair
because it’s just got two “l’s”, and an “an”, and “fair,” but because we have
our official Welshman on this program, Derek Thomas, he is able to pronounce it.
Say it one more time.

Dr. Thomas:

Dr. Duncan:
And tell them what it means.

Dr. Thomas:
Llan is the old Welsh word for

Dr. Duncan:
And if you were preaching a sermon in Welsh and you were referring to the
church, is this the word you would use?

Dr. Thomas:

The influence of French on Welsh.

Dr. Duncan:
And Latin on French. I mean,
you can hear ecclesia in that. Wow.
Okay, so that’s the word that you would typically use but this refers to
a place where a church building was, is that right?

Dr. Thomas:
Right. There are hundreds of
towns and villages in Wales which begin with this prefix,
I was born in a little village called

Dr. Duncan:
Right. And the fair refers to
a place where there’s a market you were saying.

Dr. Thomas:
Probably a cattle market of some kind.

Dr. Duncan:
Do it’s identifying — it’s a place where there’s a church and there was
also a cattle market there. And so
that was given the name as the town.

Dr. Thomas:
And the “boffins” here suggest it’s a town in Montgomeryshire in
But it is a common Welsh name.

Dr. Duncan:
And it’s a beautiful tune.
It’s in a major key. Not all Welsh tunes are minor key tunes, so Bill, let’s
here this wonderful tune. [Bill plays tune]

Dr. Thomas:
It would be altogether inappropriate to have an ascension hymn in a minor
key, of course. And why is it, you
know it always fascinates me that by altering one note in a scale or whatever,
one scale can sound triumphant and one scale can sound plaintiff.

Dr. Wymond:
So if it were in a minor key it would be much more serious.

Dr. Thomas:
But is that because in the minor key there is a hint of irresolution,
that it’s not resolved in some way?

Dr. Wymond:
I think perhaps that’s part of it and there’s something psychological.

Dr. Thomas:
A yearning in the minor key.

Dr. Wymond:
Yes, very much so.

Dr. Duncan:
And you could see that being turned into a good, plaintiff Welsh tune in
the minor, couldn’t you?

Dr. Thomas:
And it is certainly part of the Welch psyche.
I was on the telephone this week with our good friend, Sinclair Ferguson
and I made a comment and he said, “Oh, there’s the Welsh in you again!” which
was indicative of something plaintiff I think.

Dr. Duncan:
Now that’s pretty bad when a Scot is giving you the business about that
and blaming it on being Welsh!

Dr. Thomas:
But it’s a marvelous tune and I just think that the very syllables of
“Alleluia” must be grist for the mill for any musicologist.
If you want to write a tune, that repetition of “Alleluia” —

Dr. Wymond:
Well, what I think is interesting about it is you just have these short
phrases, every line has a short phrase followed by an “Alleluia” and that comes
from a very old tradition in the church.
When the church first started adding something to the psalms to expand
them musically they would add “Alleluia” phrases at the end.

Dr. Thomas:
Could you sing this antiphonally, have a choir sing the short phrase and
have the congregation sing “Alleluia”?

Dr. Wymond:
I think so. The phrase would
be awfully short. I think probably
if you were to do it antiphonally you would do the whole first line with the
“Alleluia” and then the second group would do the second line and so on like

Dr. Duncan:
Because the first, second, and fourth lines are the same.

Dr. Wymond:

Dr. Duncan:
It’s a very, very simple tune.

Dr. Wymond:
Extremely simple, and as some of the hymnologists point out, it’s built
on thirds with this “Alleluia” phrase.

Dr. Duncan:
You’ve called attention to repetition in keys making it a strong tune and
the rise, so it’s got both the repetition and the rising notes.

Dr. Wymond:
Absolutely. You’re saying,
“Hail,” which is a command, “Hail the day that sees Him rise” and you have this
rising tune. And then the “Alleluia”
is more like a phrase from a Gregorian chant so I think it’s a blend of a very
old church style.

Dr. Duncan:
Now the material that we were reading about the hymn called this a
rounded bar-form, which is not a term that I’m used to, and then it described
that as A-A-B-A, which is just what we were describing — the first line, the
second line, and the fourth line are all the same and then you have this
different line in the third line of each stanza.

Dr. Wymond:
Isn’t it interesting, you have these three lines that are just the same
thing? You would think it would be
boring, but actually it makes the hymn easy to sing, easy for the congregation
to pick up. So you have this — and
then that repeats and then you have it in a minor key and then you go back to
the original and it makes for a very good hymn.

Dr. Duncan:
And it’s got enough energy — maybe the rising aspect of it and then the
happiness of the “Alleluia” — it’s got enough energy that it’s able to stand
that repetition. I think other hymns
probably would be boring if they had that much repetition but there’s enough
energy. And the text does go well.
The command, “Hail the day that sees Him rise” does fit well with this
particular piece of music.

Dr. Wymond:
It certainly does. And some
of the great hymns, “A Mighty Fortress” is another that comes to mind where you
have this repetition so that these hymns are not hard for congregations to
learn. Derek, you know Welsh folk
music. Does this have any element of
that in it?

Dr. Thomas:
You know I was just thinking there are folk, or at least nursery rhymes,
that have this A-A-B-A — there were a couple going in my — I won’t sing them
now, but there were a couple in my head as you were talking how three lines, the
first, the second, and the fourth are identical and therefore very easy to sing.
I mean there’s not much to learn here.

Dr. Wymond:
And what was that technical term that you used, Ligon?

Dr. Duncan:
They called it a rounded bar-form — A-A-B-A.
And again I’ve not heard of that term used.
I was also looking here, the hymnary — by the way, the www.hymnary.org
which is sponsored by Calvin
and by the Christian Classics Ethereal Library has some wonderful background
information on hymns and it’s one of the places I always check.
There are two or three internet sites that I like to check on hymns, and
then I’ve got literature in book form and other forms that I like to read about
hymns. But one of the interesting
things about this is this is one of those tunes where the text came together
over a period of time. Charles
Wesley wrote the bits apart from the “Alleluia’s” back in 1739 and then Thomas
Cotterill wrote or added the “Alleluia’s” in 1820 and it’s interesting to see,
and I’m not sure when this text was first matched up with
I mean, all my life I’ve sung this hymn to this particular tune and I’m
sure that there are other tunes that it circulates with, but it really does

Dr. Thomas:
It’s fascinating to me that this is about the ascension of course, I mean
the text is about the ascension, and this tune rises and as it were descends a
little and that fits perfectly the visual affect of Christ ascending and then
sitting at God’s right hand, which is what the New Testament emphasizes.

Dr. Wymond:
You know you can — I’m wondering if the word round does have to do with
doing it as a round. You could do
this as a round, this tune, if you just started it on the fourth count.

Dr. Duncan:
Oh, right.

Dr. Wymond:
So it would work as a round also I think.
Not a perfect round but a round

Dr. Duncan:
The hymnary says that this is considered to be the most popular of all
Ascension texts in English language worship and I’m trying to think of other
Ascension hymnody and nothing just immediately jumps to mind when you think
about the Ascension. Whereas, if we
sat down, just common folks sitting in the pew, ask them for Christmas hymns,
they’d know some of those, ask them for Easter hymns, they’d know some of those

Dr. Wymond:
Or Second Coming hymns.

Dr. Duncan:
Second Coming hymns — even “Low He Comes With Clouds Ascending” — there
would be things that they would immediately know, but they don’t know much about
the ascension. Probably one of the
reasons for that, Derek, is the doctrine of the Ascension is not emphasized like
Incarnation and Resurrection and Second Coming.
But it’s very important in the New Testament.

Dr. Thomas:
Indeed. One thinks of
passages like Ephesians 4, that “having ascended on high, He gave or
distributed, gives unto men.” So the
sending of the Holy Spirit and the gifting of believers is a consequence of the
Ascension. I often think of the
Ascension as Jesus’ promotion. We do
say in colloquial speech, “he’s gone up in the world,” meaning he’s been
promoted. And Jesus went up and was
received into the cloud, as a figure of speech at least, but the point is that
He went up to be with his Father, to sit at God’s right hand as part of that
theological paradigm of Scripture that He rules over His enemies.
One thinks of the second psalm — “until He has made His enemies His
footstool.” So the ascension is in
the history of redemption and the progress of Jesus from Incarnation to death to
burial to Resurrection to Ascension to the Session of Christ at God’s right

Dr. Duncan:
And we even affirm that in the Apostle’s Creed because we say that “He
sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty” and so the idea of the
heavenly Session is a very, very important idea in Christian theology and we
even repeat it in the Apostle’s Creed.
But unless your pastor has maybe taught through the Apostle’s Creed you
may never have heard a message on the Ascension.

Dr. Thomas:
Right. And it’s certainly
rare. I think if you were preaching
through certain books like the Acts of the Apostles or Ephesians 4 or some
passages in Hebrews you might not specifically remember a series on the
ascension as you would on the death of Jesus or particularly the resurrection of
Jesus at Easter time for example.

Dr. Duncan:
It’s interesting, the information from the Psalter hymnal handbook — and
used to there was a wonderful practice of writing handbooks for hymnals.
I used to collect these handbooks. I wish I could still go out and do it
more these days but when I was in Britain the Oxford University Press produced
handbooks for the Church of England Hymnal which was called,
Hymns Ancient and Modern.
Oxford also produced
handbooks for the Church of Scotland hymnal which was called,
The Church Hymnary and Psalter.

And those hymnal handbooks did two things.
One, they told you about the authors of the text and the composers of the
music, but they also gave you background on the hymns themselves and I love to
read those. And the
Psalter Hymnal Handbook says something
very interesting about this tune. It
was introduced by this Thomas Cotterill who studied at St. John’s College in
Cambridge in England and who was an Anglican clergyman and he produced a popular
collection of hymns called, Selections of
Psalms and Hymns
in 1810. And
when he did, there was a reaction because there were many in the Church of
England at that time who wanted the Church of England to maintain a practice of
only singing psalms. I think a lot
of people don’t realize that’s not just a Presbyterian thing but it was sort of
the common stance of Protestant churches, certainly in Britain, to be psalm singing.
And so when he introduced this collection of hymns there was a bit of a
controversy about it and he withdrew it and then submitted another edition of it
to the archbishop to get his approval of it before it was distributed and that’s
the one that was published in 1820 and that’s the one that contained this
particular version of Wesley’s hymn, “Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise.”
And it was the first hymnal of the Anglican Church in that region which
is fascinating. It’s 1820 and it’s
the first time they’ve had a hymnal.
They’ve worked out of a Psalter up until that point.
I think a lot of people don’t realize how recent church hymnals are in
some cases in comparison to what was being sung in the past.
I find that fascinating.

Dr. Wymond:
And in the British cathedral system, the choir system, some of the best
still do the psalms in Anglican chant form.
It’s a wonderful tradition.

Dr. Duncan:
They tend to — they’re these elongated, there’ll be like one note on the
page and they’ll sort of chant the song out.
It’s not as melodic as our hymns or even metrical psalm forms but it
makes it easy I guess to articulate complex phrases with lots of syllables in

Dr. Wymond:
That way they can do the Scripture as written and they don’t have to put
it in a metric form.
Dr. Duncan:
Rhyming and that sort of thing.

Dr. Wymond:
It’s a really wonderful art to do but it’s not easy.

Dr. Duncan:
I guess the congregation really has to be trained in it, and even a choir
presumably would have to work at it a bit.

Dr. Wymond:
Basically, a few forms such as the
or the Nunc dimittis or
something like that the congregation will do, but for the most part it’s a choir
exercise and just listen to.

Dr. Duncan:
Which presumably that’s what monastic choirs would have done.
They would have done a lot of chants like that in the middle ages and if
you had been participant of the services of the abbey or wherever they were, you
would have observed but you probably wouldn’t have participated in that.
It would have been beyond your ability.
Presumably there wouldn’t have been anything that you could have read
from anyway and whereas you can line out a hymn that’s rhyming and maybe a
little less complex syllabically, you can’t do that with a chant because you’ve
got a longer phrase. That’s very,
very interesting. Looking at the
text itself, Derek, why don’t you walk us through?
What’s the first line? Walk
us through the flow of Wesley’s argument or logic in this hymn.

Dr. Thomas:
Well, it opens with “Hail the day that sees Him rise to His throne above
the skies; Christ, the Lamb for
sinners giv’n, enters now the highest heaven.”
And it’s the enthronement and Lordship and triumph of Christ, His victory
over sin and death and hell.

Dr. Duncan:
Don’ t you love the way that Wesley, no matter what he’s writing about,
always finds a way to work in the cross.
I mean, he’s talking about the Ascension here but he gets the cross in
the very first line! “Christ the
Lamb for sinners given” and I love that cross-centeredness to Wesley’s hymns.
And he never lets you forget the atoning work of the Lord Jesus Chris as
the centerpiece, even while he’s drawing your attention to the importance of the

Dr. Thomas:
And the second verse, you know, is a thing of beauty because Wesley
imagines the expectation of angels and archangels and the church triumphant
welcoming Jesus back now in His incarnate form into heaven.
“There for Him high triumph waits; lift your heads eternal gates” and
that’s a reference to the twenty-fourth psalm.

Now there’s just an exquisite Scottish tune to the twenty-fourth psalm that we
used to sing in Belfast a lot, especially
on sort of important or momentous occasions. It’s just, to hear a large
congregation sing that acapella, “Lift up your heads, o ye gates, and be lifted
up ye ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in.”
That’s just one of those grand Scottish Psalter tunes.
“He hath conquered death and sin, take the King of glory in!”
And you’ve almost got to visualize the sort of gasp of delight and wonder
in heaven as Jesus, in His now incarnate body, comes to take His seat at the
Father’s side.

Dr. Duncan:
Well, you know we can envisage the way that a nation celebrates
triumphant victors coming back.
Maybe somebody in our listening audience has seen those kinds of parades and
celebrations, like that when Dwight David Eisenhower came back from the Second
World War to the United States, and there were these grand parades
and such and perhaps you have those memories as well in Britain.
But to think of heaven’s response to the return of Christ — “The mission
that I was sent on has not been accomplished” and He’s being welcomed into
heaven. And the perfect praise of
risen saints and spotless angels — it’s an awesome scene.

Dr. Thomas:
And Wesley again won’t let us see that without seeing the reason why He
had come to the world in the first place — “He hath conquered death and sin,
take the King of glory in!” And then
in the third stanza, you know one of the consequences of the Ascension of Jesus
and His sitting at God’s right hand is in the book of Hebrews — “that He ever
lives to make intercession for us” and He makes that intercession based on the
triumph of His accomplishments.
“See, He lifts His hands above! See,
His shows the prints of love! Hark!
His gracious lips bestow blessings on His church below.”

Dr. Duncan:
And that picks up on the Ephesians idea that you were pointing us to
where Paul says that what’s happening in the heavenly session is that Jesus is
engifting His church. He’s pouring
out gifts of love to His church.

Dr. Thomas:
We don’t hear so much of it now but it is an important point.
“See, He shows the prints of love” — the nail prints in His hands and
feet and how important is that?

Dr. Duncan:
Well, you know, you point out in your book the importance of knowing that
there is a human being sitting at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.
Yes, the second person of the Trinity, yes, fully God and fully man, but
He is enfleshed and He is enfleshed forever, and so it is Jesus Christ the
God-Man, and not only the God-Man but continuing to bear the marks of His pain.
Whereas we in glory will be in glorified bodies which presumably bear no
visage of our past imperfections, yet He carries in His own flesh the marks of
His pain for us.

Dr. Thomas:
And don’t you love the way it ends with, “There Thy face unclouded see,
find our heav’n of heav’ns in Thee!”
That’s a beautiful way to end.

Dr. Duncan:
You couldn’t end better.
Bill, let’s hear this wonderful hymn, “Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise.”

Hail the day that sees Him rise! Alleluia!

To His throne above the skies; alleluia!

Christ, the Lamb for sinners sig’n, Alleluia!

Enters now the highest heav’n. Alleluia!

There for Him high triumph waits; Alleluia!

Lift your heads, eternal gates, Alleluia!

He hath conquaered dath and sin, Alleluia!

Take the King of glory in! Alleluia!

See, He lifts His hands above! Alleluia!

See, He shows the prints of love! Alleluia!

Hark! His gracious lips bestow, Alleluia!

Blessings on His church below! Alleluia!

Lord, beyond our mortal sight, Alleluia!

Raise our hearts to reach thy height; Alleluia!

There thy face unclouded see, Alleluia!

Find our heav’n of heav’ns in thee!



This has been “Hymns of the Faith,” brought to you by Jackson’s First Presbyterian Church.

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